Should you wish to use any assets that have been put up for sale by Rellent, you must seek permission if you wish to use them for your FiveM server. We do this to ensure we are able to keep a track of where our assets are being used, and which communities and servers are actually meant to be within the possession of any of our assets.
Please note: If you are found to be using any of our assets without having gained prior permission, we reserve the right to revoke your licensing and rights to use said assets.
Accessing the “Permissions Request” form
In the footer of the Rellent website, you will find the “Permissions Request” form (alternatively; you can click here to be redirected). This form must be filled out for every order you place. However, each form submission can be requesting permission to use more than one car at a time.
The submission of your details
It is important to be aware that the first three answer boxes of Name, Email and Discord Username must be your own details. Even if the server owner is not yourself, you will be wholly responsible for the protection of assets which you receive permission to use on your FiveM server.
Getting your order number
You can get your order number by simply going to Account Dashboard > Orders and then selecting an order. The order number will be displayed at the top of your order page alongside the date the order was made and the status of said order.
What happens next?
After this, you will be informed as to whether or not you have been approved to use assets on your FiveM server. You will likely receive a response either by Email or Discord. So please keep an eye on both of those platforms when you are waiting. If you do not receive a response within 72 hours, please be sure to make a ticket on our Discord.
However, if your order is approved, then we hope you enjoy our products very much and that they make a great addition to your server!
*We no longer require permission to be granted for our free releases*